RE: [nsp] Intergrated routing/bridging

From: Vladimir Litovka (
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 10:28:51 EDT

On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Ryan OConnell wrote:

> > I need to move server from one office to another, but need to save it's IP
> > address. The configuration (one two routers) is:
> [snip]
> A while since I tried doing something like this, but try adding "bridge 1 bridge
> ip" to both routers. It may also help if you add a BVI interface to the second
> router with an IP address so you can ping it for diagnostics.

 Thank you, it works. Two more questions -

 1) 'show running-config' doesn't show this command. I.e. I see

   bridge 1 protocol ieee
   bridge 1 route ip

   and there isn't "bridge 1 bridge ip". Will this command have effect
   after reload?

 2) Although BVI looks supported by CEF, CPU on my NSE-1 (without PXF) have
     100% load. Are there ways to reduce this value?

 Thank you.

:r !ripewhois DOKA1-RIPE
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.
                -- Lazarus Long, "Time Enough for Love"

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