I can boot the CatOS or IOS into the Sup1A but both
system try to boot the MSFC and it drops into ROMMON.
The MSFC is on the SUP1A and only sees its internal
Bootflash device. It does to see the PCMCIA slot0 flash.
Is the a ROMMON upgrade for the MSFC so it will see
the PCMCIA slot0 ? Only the MSM is documented on
how the recover from a corrupted image in bootflash.
At 10:46 PM 6/14/2002 -0400, Jared Mauch wrote:
> You should be able to boot into catos,
>put an ip on the mgmt intf, add the gig port to the
>same vlan and make the copy work.
> it may complain if you are doing catos <-> ios migration
>based on the image, but you can force it.
> - jared
>On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 07:41:25PM -0700, Steve Shultz wrote:
> > If the bootflash of a 6500 MSFC1 get corrupted,
> >
> > is xmodem the only way to reload it from ROMmon?
> >
> > I have a tftp server directly attached to one of its Gig
> >
> > ports. I have a Sup 1A which I can boot with CatOS
> >
> > or IOS. And where does ROMMON expect to boot the
> >
> > file cisco2-Cat6k-MSFC from?
>Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net
>clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.
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