Re: [nsp] ATM on 7200

From: Jared Mauch (
Date: Tue Sep 26 2000 - 11:21:08 EDT

        I would insure that you are not going to have any limits
to the number of subinterfaces you will use.

        Are you going to be having bridged customers attached
to this router? (aka, residental).

        If so, you may want to eval the redback SMS-500, which is
nice equipment, IMHO.

        - jared

On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 09:49:40AM -0500, Jan Bacher wrote:
> I am establishing my first test environment with DSL.
> In the initial testing configuration we will go from telco to DSLAM to 7200
> via an ATM OC-3 card.
> What are the recommended methodologies wrt to router configuration? I have
> seen criticism of some configuration styles but have not happened upon
> personal or professional preference.
> I am interested in feedback regarding VPNs (preferred method),
> authentication, pvc vs svc build, pooled vs static vs dhcp addressing, and QoS.
> All feedback -- pros and cons -- appreciated.

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from
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END OF LINE  | Manger of IP networks built within my own home

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