Install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter on NT. CPL, Network, Adapters, Add,
and configure the Virtual address on the loopback adapter.
On Unix you will make an alias to the loopback interface (lo or lo0) to
answer for this virtual addres as lo:1, lo0:1 or whatever your favorite
flavour of Unix prefers.
Rubens Kuhl Jr.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Desmarais, Jonathan []
> Sent: quarta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2000 05:48
> To:
> Subject: [nsp] ASLB and NT
> I have a pair of Local Directors connected to a 6500 switch operating in
> ASLB mode ie. Dispatched assisted mode.
> In order to make it work I have to assign the Virtual address to the real
> machine's interface, or that's how the TAC told me to get it working.
> However because of that fun prot called ARP NT machines report an
> IP address
> conflict at interface startup after the LD replies to an arp request with
> the NT machines secondary IP address. I tried adding a static arp
> mapping to
> the LD, but the age out of the table in about 60 seconds.
> Any idea's how to get NT working with LD's ASLB or the ASLB
> working with NT.
> Not forgetting I have Unix requirements as well.
> Cheers
> ...Jon
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