RE: does GSR support PE

From: Darryl Wortham (
Date: Wed Nov 22 2000 - 10:19:06 EST


You are correct the GSR 12000 does support MPLS-VPN/PE functionality in
release 12.0(10)ST.

Darryl Wortham
Cisco Systems
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Chris Dixon []
  Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 5:09 AM
  To: kevin Young;;
  Subject: RE: does GSR support PE


  Unless things have changed radically in the Cisco releases in the last
three months since I worked on MPLS-VPN for one of my clients, I think you
need to get onto the 12.0 ST train for this functionality. However, this
train (Unless someone from Cisco wants to correct me) is still EFT code
(Early Field Trial), which basically means that you cannot get it from CCO.
Your friendly Cisco SE should be able to get you access to this code. I am
not sure of the exact maintenance release put it might be somewhere around

  I hope this helps you.

  Chris Dixon

  Invocom Ltd

  400 Thames Valley Park Drive

  Thames Valley Park


  Berkshire RG6 1PT

  Mobile:- 07818 048982

  Telephone:- 0118 965 3422

  Facsimile:- 0118 965 3522



  -----Original Message-----
  From: kevin Young []
  Sent: 22 November 2000 07:10
  Subject: does GSR support PE

  hi, group, does Cisco 12000 support PE? if support, what release ? thanks

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