On Sat, Jan 13, 2001 at 07:53:00PM +0200, Arie Vayner wrote:
> Hi
> We have a large quantity of AS5300's for dialup user access.
> Recently we have encountered a new problem which seems to have started out
> of the blue:
> We see the Digital Modem Cards getting stuck, so users cannot connect. When
> the problem happens, we can see on 'show modem' that users cannot connect to
> all the modems on a single modem card (we have 2 cards each...). We only see
> modems in C mode (Connecting...), while on the other modem card there are
> modems in * state. Also no modems are marked B (Bad).
> We run IOS 12.0(7)T on the ASs. The modems are Mica's with firmware
> revision.
Any reason you can't use
- Jared
> When we reload the RAS, the problem goes away for a few hours (even days)
> but then comes back.
> We first thought it to be a simple hardware problem, but we keep getting it
> in different POPs and on too many devices...
> Has anyone ever seen such a problem? Ideas?
> -------------------
> Arie Vayner
-- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine. END OF LINE | Manager of IP networks built within my own home
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