Explicit appletalk suport is found in the "desktop" and "entreprise"
feature sets, these are the ones with "ds" and "js" letters in the
image name.
Briding of ethernet packets across a WAN, some of which might be
appletalk would be supported by any images with an "s" in the name,
but also by other images on a platform dependent for instance access
router images (2500 et. al) included bridging support in the vanilla
IP feature set, but 7200 images won't.
> Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 11:43:12 -0500 (EST)
> From: Rich Sena <ras@poppa.thick.net>
> To: cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net
> Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.21.0101131141190.12497-100000@poppa.thick.net>
> Organization: ThickNET
> X-Notice: The thicker the net the smaller the holes!
> Subject: [nsp] IOS Appletalk feature on 802
> I have a client that wants to connect 2 remote offices via ISDN. They
> have purchased 2 802's and want to route Appletalk between them...
> I am having trouble finding a flavor of IOS for that product that supports
> Appletalk - does anyone know if it is supported and if so - what image I
> need?
> --
> Rich Sena - ras@thick.net
> ThickNET Consulting
> "On the way to understanding; you understand, and forget."
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