Have a look at the distribute out command, this will allow you to control
the routes that you wish to advertise, or the passive interface to stop the
routing process on that interface compleatly.
Frank Bruce
Consulting SE, NSP West
Cisco Systems Ltd
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:|: :|: | Uxbridge, England. UX11 1BN
:|||: :|||: | Office : +44(0)20-87568000
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-----Original Message-----
From: F. David Sinn []
Sent: 12 February 2001 21:38
To:; 'Cisco-Nsp'
Subject: RE: [nsp] advertising private network trough OSPF
You need to not use the advertise connected, and insert specific network
statements for the interfaces you want to talk OSPF out.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dragan Dincic - Dine []
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 1:05 PM
To: Cisco-Nsp
Subject: [nsp] advertising private network trough OSPF
I have a problem because OSPF that advertise my private network.
The router has NAT and is translating from one Ethernet
to serial connection, but because there is and OSPF
command that says advertise connected - private
network leaks to other routers.
Does anybody know the way to stop this?
Dragan Dincic � Dine
Technical Manager
Swift Global (K) Ltd.
P.O. BOX 42164
Nairobi, KENYA
Tel : +254 2 545 533
Fax : +254 2 545 534
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