Re: [nsp] Cisco Setup 2621

From: Josh Richards (
Date: Wed Mar 28 2001 - 17:51:40 EST

* RTS <> [20010328 14:24]:
> I am trying to set up a FastEthernet0/1 port on a 2621 router.


> I am trying to either set the ip address or use unnumbered.

Why are you considering unnumbered? -- remember this is an FE port...

> I have ip on F0/0 as
> When I set the F0/1 as 130 I get the following:
> overlaps with FastEthernet0/0

Which it does. :) What are you trying to accomplish? You are assigning
an IP address in the same subnet as fa0/0 to fa0/1 which I doubt is what
you really want. If you want to aggregate the capacity of two FE ports
look at setting up ISL/802.1q trunks.

> When I set the F0/1 as ip unnumbered F0/0 I get the following:
> Point-to-point (non-multi-access) interfaces only

Yep, that error message is correct. If you describe a bit of your topology
then what you are doing may make more sense and perhaps we'll be able to
help you a bit more.


Josh Richards [JTR38/JR539-ARIN]
Geek Research LLC - <URL:>
IP Network Engineering and Consulting

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