Christian Reichert wrote:
> If you 2621 is connected to a vlan cabable Switch, then turn on trunking,
> then you have one virutal (vlan) Interface with an IP address and the 2
> links are just trunks to a Switch. (You could even turn on EtherChannel and
> use the combined Bandwidt. If the 2600 supports EtherChannel, dunno).
Only the 7000/7500 support Fast Etherchannel.
> Second way would be to use the backup interface command, then you can use
> the same address on both interfaces. The backup one will be in standby mode
> until the primary one is up again.
Best way would be to use HSRP if redundancy is what you want. If
you are trunking on the lines, distribute the primary interfaces
evenly between the two trunks to balance the interface load.
Anyway, outgoing traffic (from your router to the LAN) could use
both interfaces.
Another solution would be to use IRB. Put both interfaces
in the same bridge group, remove all IP configuration from them
and put them on the proper BVI interface, and let the spanning
tree work it out. But HSRP is the better solution.
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