RE: [nsp] dot1q/isl "encapsulation failed"

From: John Tvedte (
Date: Fri May 11 2001 - 14:33:24 EDT

Are you trying to set the native vlan.....

if so - use subinterface....

int fa0/0.1
  encap dot1q 1 native
  ip add <real ip add>

From sthaug@nethelp.;Fr
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Subject: Re: [nsp] telco SCR/PCR and Cisco kbps
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> When the telco gives us a SCR an;R
> convert it to kbps to avoid policing violations at their switch. CCO says:
> kbps = (cps * 4;8)
> cells per second
> 48 bytes (payload) per ATM cell
> 8 bits per byte
> 1024 b;kb
> or 1000 as the bits/kbit value.

If CCO says ;,
*cells*, and convert: kbps = (cps * 53 * 8) / 1000.

The Cisco "kilobi;er
line is based on 53 bytes per cell and kilo = 1000. You can see this
if you;n
tell you the *cells per second* that the kbps is converted back to.;de
the option of doing so. This is one thing that Nortel (; g

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,

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