Re: Preventative Maintenance

From: Alfredo Sola (
Date: Tue May 22 2001 - 08:19:15 EDT


> Hopefully this is not off-topic. I am looking into setting up a
> preventative maintenance shcedule for our network of Cisco routers.
> Basically, cleaning the power supply fans, rebooting periodically, and
> checking on cable connections, what else is there really to do?

        We don't do any of those things. A maintenance window is only required when
changing hardware (not counting interface cards in the 7xxx platforms) or
software. Remember, those are routers, not PC clones running Windows ;)

        I have seen Cisco routers with an uptime in excess of 2 years working fine.
It is not a good thing though - a lot of security holes popped up while the
machine was happily up and running - but the box fans, supply, and the IOS
were running fine. I can say the same for many Cisco machines (not only
routers) that, even with less continued uptime, have been running smoothly for

        Final note: if you find yourself needing to do preventive rebooting, it's
time to search for a new IOS version.

Alfredo Sola
Director técnico

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