On Thu, 24 May 2001, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 09:36:52AM -0400, Andre D. Henry wrote:
> > Are any of you using a CA to issue client Certs and do key management ? If so
> > what software package are you using. I did some checking and Versign and
> > Entrust both offer some kind of outsourced CA service and Novell sells CA
> > software. I would much rather run my own however. The idea of someone else
> > having my keys does not apeal to me.
> Try the OpenSSL package, which has the necessary tools to run your own CA.
> www.openssl.org
Yes I know about that but I was looking for something to automate the
proccess. For the rest of you I did come accross this
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