> > Granted, but if the packet is VIP to VIP with dCEF and it is Auton/SSE
> > switched, the packet never hits the RSP, at least thats what I remember.
> Not quite. Packets still touch the RSP, but the RSP doesn't have to
> do a cef lookup on the packet. But as far as the path across the
> cybusses goes, the packet goes from VIPa->RSP->VIPb (or sometimes
> VIPa->RSP->VIPa, see my other email). It's just Much Faster to get
> the packet in and out of the RSP, since we don't have to pass the
> packet up from MEMD to the RSP CPU.
This is all covered very nicely in _Inside Cisco IOS Software
Architecture_ (Bollapragada et al, Cisco Press 2000, ISBN 1578701813).
A must-have for readers of this list, despite the fact that they don't
delve deeply enough into certain dead-end corners of the history of
router evolution for my tastes (for instance, difference between SP
and SSP on the 7000 platform) :-)
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