On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 12:17:07AM -0400, Alex Rubenstein wrote:
> > Anyway, the important point to remember is that true distributed switching
> > on the RSP platforms only occurs between PA's in the same VIP (unlike the
> > GSR). InterVIP switching requires the RSP to manage access to MEMD between
> > VIPs (hence the high amount of RSB drops when the load is high).
> Granted, but if the packet is VIP to VIP with dCEF and it is Auton/SSE
> switched, the packet never hits the RSP, at least thats what I remember.
Not quite. Packets still touch the RSP, but the RSP doesn't have to
do a cef lookup on the packet. But as far as the path across the
cybusses goes, the packet goes from VIPa->RSP->VIPb (or sometimes
VIPa->RSP->VIPa, see my other email). It's just Much Faster to get
the packet in and out of the RSP, since we don't have to pass the
packet up from MEMD to the RSP CPU.
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