CCO is messed up.
You can't compress a "-mz" image any further (and have it work), so you
will need more flash space to run the images you are looking at.
Hopefully one of the Cisco lurkers can feed this back into the CCO team.
If not, Brian, you can contact them at
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian []
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 7:30 AM
Subject: [nsp] MC3810 and >8MB Cisco IOS
Recently I went to upgrade some MC3810-V's of mine.
They have the latest BOOT ROMs, 64MB DRAM and
8MB Flash. The IOS I selected is the
Enterprise Plus VoIP VoATM 56k IPSEC 12.0.7(XK2). says recommends 64MB DRAM And 8MB Flash.
The actual size of the image is 8524276. A freshly
formated flash only has like 8200000 or so free,
so of course I get errors when trying to stick a
larger file into a smaller storage space.
Is this just a mistake on, I mean is it common
for them to post wrong recommended sizes, or is there a
trick like compressing the image, to fit it into my
router. The image name is mc3810-a2jsv-mz.120-7.XK2.bin,
and since it had "mz" in the name, I thought those were
already compressed, so I didn't think to compress it, but
if anyone knows how I can squeeze it down a little bit
more please let me know.
I also tried many other MC3810 images that said
should work in a 8MB flash box, but those were too big as
well. It wasn't until I used a File less than 8200000 or
so that it worked. I am using a freshly formated flash
file system.
Appreciate any help.
Brian Feeny
CCNP+Voice/ATM/Security p:318.222.2638x109
CCDP f:318.221.6612
Network Administrator
ShreveNet Inc. (ASN 11881)
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