[nsp] MC3810 and >8MB Cisco IOS

From: Brian (signal@shreve.net)
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 10:30:26 EDT

Recently I went to upgrade some MC3810-V's of mine.
They have the latest BOOT ROMs, 64MB DRAM and
8MB Flash. The IOS I selected is the
Enterprise Plus VoIP VoATM 56k IPSEC 12.0.7(XK2).

Cisco.com says recommends 64MB DRAM And 8MB Flash.

The actual size of the image is 8524276. A freshly
formated flash only has like 8200000 or so free,
so of course I get errors when trying to stick a
larger file into a smaller storage space.

Is this just a mistake on cisco.com, I mean is it common
for them to post wrong recommended sizes, or is there a
trick like compressing the image, to fit it into my
router. The image name is mc3810-a2jsv-mz.120-7.XK2.bin,
and since it had "mz" in the name, I thought those were
already compressed, so I didn't think to compress it, but
if anyone knows how I can squeeze it down a little bit
more please let me know.

I also tried many other MC3810 images that cisco.com said
should work in a 8MB flash box, but those were too big as
well. It wasn't until I used a File less than 8200000 or
so that it worked. I am using a freshly formated flash
file system.

Appreciate any help.


Brian Feeny e:signal@shreve.net
CCNP+Voice/ATM/Security p:318.222.2638x109
CCDP f:318.221.6612
Network Administrator
ShreveNet Inc. (ASN 11881)

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