[nsp] cisco 2511 config

From: gza@raiden.modarex.ro
Date: Fri Jul 27 2001 - 20:04:08 EDT

I have an cisco 2511 (16 asyncron, 2 serial, 1 ethernet)and i want to
modify it's config by hand. I made a copy of the curent config on an tftp
server and i changed it. Now i can't send the new config in the router.

i tried:
router#copy tftp running-config
and i end up with a combination between old-config and new-config
and some errors.

router#copy tftp startup-config
it says
 Non-Volatile Memory in use[Failed]

My new config it's very diferent from my old one.

ps: IOS 11.2
sorry for my english. :)

I'm waiting for some tips.

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