RE: [nsp] ospf nssa

Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 06:07:50 EDT

hello Roy,

type5 from the backbone are not translated into type7 on an NSSA ABR ...
EXCEPT if the ABR for the NSSA is also an ASBR, e.g. it creates some type5

in this case, when you use redistribute command, the ASBR/ABR creates both a
type5 that is propagated into area 0 and non stub areas and a type7 LSA that
goes into the NSSA it is connected to.
Hope this will help,


Stephane BENFREDJ Global Knowledge
Network Consultant Immeuble Odyss�e - B�t. D
CCIE #4725 2-12, Chemin des Femmes
                                        91886 Massy Cedex


Tel: +33(0) 1 73 23 89 00
Fax: +33(0) 1 64 53 89 10

-----Message d'origine-----
De: Roy Reyes []
Envoy�: lundi 30 juillet 2001 08:42
Objet: [nsp] ospf nssa

hello guys,
    I have an nssa area which is connected to the area0(backbone) i noticed
that when i used "redistribute command" if i want to inject type 5 LSA
to be propagated from area 0 to nssa area to be converted to type 7 LSA
i can't see it on my routing table BUT i can see the type 7 LSA from
the OSPF database. Why is this happen?
    Is there a way where i can inject an external routes (type 5 LSA)
from area 0 going to the nssa area?

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