Well, ping something remote and a packet generated by the remote router
has to come back to you. 8-)
I set this up a long time ago here, with a program invoked from mrtg
that did a ping and returned a log function of the ping time, and
graphed both average and max, with the max in red. 8-)
While interesting, it was eating CPU relative too all the other activty
on the MRTG box and I eventualy discontinued it. It appeared to reveal
many problems, but prone to misinterpretation, since the time for a
router to respond to a ping packet (or it's willingness do do so at all)
has only a weak relation to the time required for it to pass on a packet,
at least in cisco land...
> From cisco-nsp-request@puck.nether.net Mon Aug 20 15:12:51 2001
> Resent-Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 15:13:17 -0400
> Received-Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 15:10:23 -0400
> Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 15:10:22 -0400
> From: Jared Mauch <jared@puck.nether.net>
> To: Andy E <cosworth@dircon.co.uk>
> Cc: cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net
> Subject: Re: Network Management Tools
> References: <200108201857.TAA99674@mailhost2.dircon.co.uk>
> Content-Disposition: inline
> User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i
> In-Reply-To: <200108201857.TAA99674@mailhost2.dircon.co.uk>; from cosworth@dircon.co.uk on Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 06:57:27PM -0000
> Resent-From: cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net
> X-Mailing-List: <cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net> archive/latest/7704
> X-Loop: cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net
> Precedence: list
> Resent-Sender: cisco-nsp-request@puck.nether.net
> (i'm not sure if you can get the rtt info out of it), but
> you may be able to have something use the snmp_write capable ping mib
> stuff to generate a packet from the router and send you information
> about the performance. now obviosuly nothing replaces some pcs
> sitting at the various places sending/keeping the rtt data..
> one can make the above output into a file that mrtg
> parses to generate the graph
> - jared
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 06:57:27PM -0000, Andy E wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm trying to find a tool which can measure and report latency from a
> > customer router through our network to the internet.
> >
> > At present all our tools, sit on dmz's off the core network.
> > They measure latency etc from the core to the internet, and from the core to
> > the customer routers.
> >
> > What I need to be able to do is work out latency and availability from the
> > customer router through the core to the internet.
> >
> > e.g.
> >
> > customer router-----circuit-----CORE Router-----circuit-----Internet
> > MRTG etc
> > I need MRTG to some how send a packet from the customer router to the
> > internet via the core and record it.
> >
> > Anybody got any ideas ?
> >
> > Best Regards
> >
> > Andy.
> --
> Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net
> clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.
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