Anybody can tell me about the performance of the io-ge+e's GigaEth
The PA-GE peeks at 400mbps (that is 200mbps full duplex). On the 7400
the two
onboard gigaeth's perform at higer rate, provided the traffic flows
between them.
What i'm currently investigating: if a 7206VXR w NSE-1 can handle 8000
users and if i count only 64kbps per user it results in 500mbps. Does it
sense to install two or three PA-A3 into the box? (We receive the L2TP
via atm PVCs.)
The CPU handles 300kpps, say the avg.pak size is 512Byte
(300000*512*8=< 1Gbps),
so CPU-wisely it's ok. It's roughly OK with two PA-A3's 'distributed'
between the
two PCI busses.
BUT: how does the traffic exit from the router? A PA-GE peeks at
200mbps, as we said.
What about an IO-GE+E's GE?
I simply can't find any info on the IO-GE's performance.
thanks in advance,
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