RE: Snmp Question over 3640 router.

From: Cheung, Rick (
Date: Wed Mar 27 2002 - 11:33:36 EST

        Whoops, I misread your question. You can use SNMP Views to restrict
a particular community string to a certain portion of the mib tree.

        Here is an excerpt from the cisco web site:

router#config term
   ! create view
router(config)#snmp-server view novacm internet included
   ! block vacmSecurityToGroupEntry table
router(config)#snmp-server view novacm internet.6.3.16 excluded
   ! apply view to read-only security string
router(config)#snmp-server community public view novacm RO
router#write memory

-----Original Message-----
From: Diego Costa []
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 10:58 AM
Subject: Snmp Question over 3640 router.


        I need to make a snmp community that's allow only to view fisical
interfaces traffic no subinterfaces, it's possible to make it ??

Thanks in advance

Diego Costa

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