Re: [nsp] Cisco Router statistics collection and reporting software

From: Subodh Nijsure (
Date: Wed Mar 04 1998 - 18:41:56 EST

> We've got several Cisco routers in current use, both here and at
> remote sites, and several people have asked us to provide some sort
> of usage statistics on a regular basis.
> What are our options here?
> We want to evaluate both commercial and public domain solutions.
> We have programmers on staff, so we can do custom programming if need be,
> although we would rather not. What is the most popular/best package?

There are few companies that offer stuff similar to MRTG, for arm & a leg, ;)
e.g. INS, but most of their stuff is not customizable, I think Cisco
re-sales that stuff. But output from INS is "very pretty", your veeepees will
love it.

The most popular public domain thing out there is MRTG, its free
its cool, although SNMP wise its not at all efficient, neither are any of
the commercial tools efficient in that regard.

You can get more information about MRTG from

Once you get handle on MRTG, all you need to do is browse the Cisco
mibs @

Since you have programmers in-house, MRTG would be the best bet.

My $0.02

/Subodh Nijsure
Cisco contractor for hire...

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