>I got a problem peering with a Bay-router running ver. 11.03rev4. After
>peering for month with IOS 11.2(7), I'd loaded IOS 11.1(20)CC for running
>CEF on my Cisco, the BGP session never came back with the BAY router. It
>is working to all my Cisco neighbor's.
>Debugging on the BAY, say as follow.
>packet source
>278 Bay-router BGP Open without options
>280 Cisco-router BGP Open with option type 2 (len = 6bytes: 01 04
>00 01 00 01)
>281 Bay-router BGP Open_message_error: unsupported option
>282 Bay-router TCP FINACK
>283 Cisco-router TCP ACK
>Hmmmmm ..... any idea ?????
Here is a post from about a month ago that explains the problem
and fix:
>>This particular Cisco-ism has bitten us (COLT) twice now and so I
>>figure it's worthy of an audience on this list. Apologies if you've
>>already heard the tail via nanog@ or other sources.
>>It seems that the IOS 11.1(20)CC (on 72xx and 75xx at least)
>>introduces a few new features designed to support Multiprotocol
>>Extensions to BGP4 (aka MBGP as per RFC2283) including a feature to
>>negotiate capabilities of the remote peer.
>>Unfortunately this seems to trip up certain other IPv4-only BGP
>>implementations including at least Bay users[1], Ascend and most
>>probably other vendors using GateD-based routing daemons (3.5Bx -
>>unsure about the 4.x/Multicase series).
>>In our case, an Ascend GRF 400 with 1.3.11 software, the problem is
>>visible via GateD dropping the peering session with the following
>>error message (note the typo in authentication!):
>> gated: bgp_get_open: peer (External AS 3320): unknown
>>athentication code 8 used
>>As far as I know there is no workaround within GateD (indeed the GateD
>>consortium source seems to suggest that all bets are off if the
>>authentication code is anything other than zero). The only fix seems
>>to be to configure up the GateD neighbour on the Cisco as:
>> neighbour X.X.X.X dont-capability-negotiate
>>at which point the peers can talk again.
>>One to watch out for.
>>-- Adam Chappell,
>> Lead Network Engineer,
>> COLT Internet.
Sean Butler, CCIE #3897
IBM Global Services -- OpenNet Support
Phone: 8-631-9809, 813-523-7353
Fax: 8-427-5475 813-878-5475
Internet email: sebutler@us.ibm.com
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