Re: [f-nsp] Will the dynamic Foundry user community please stand up ;-)

From: Don Westlight (
Date: Mon Apr 01 2002 - 13:44:48 EST

Hey all,

When I joined this list several months ago, I was hoping to tap into a vibrant conversation about the use of Foundry hardware in meaningful environments: eg campus core, internet core, research labs, etc. Anybody interested in participating in such conversations is hereby invited to speak up:

Our Summary
Installation: NWAX.NET, a traditional regional Internet exchange point
[2] NetIron 800 boxes
Services: Layer 2, IP Multicast
Hardware satisfaction: very good
Support & software satisfaction: jury still out
Contemplating: another NetIron for layer 3


(1) Does anybody out there use Foundry boxes for core routers ¯ eg, full internet routes? (eg. anybody from NANOG here?)
If so, is this a plain vanilla install?

(2) Does anybody out there do this with advanced services ¯ eg, IP multicast, QOS/MPLS, or anything else complicated and wacky?

(3) Does anybody out there have the sort of relationship with Foundry (some sort of non-disclosure) where the merits of any particular code implementation can be discussed rationally... ? Alternately, is this an issue for you? Is anyone else out there confused about which commands live in which code train (B2S, B2P, etc)

(4) Does anybody use the Foundry proprietary SNMP MIB rather than MIB-2?
          We've got a real question with this by the way ¯ we're hoping to use the proprietary 64 bit counters, but the output in at least one case is in *octets* not something rational, so MRTG barfs ¯ we're in conversation with Foundry about this, but have not heard much yet...

(enterprises.1991. = Hex: 00 00 00 58 FC 29 FA 96 = snSwPortInOctets)
(enterprises.1991. = Hex: 00 00 00 3F DB 85 38 21 = snSwPortOutOctets)

(5) I'm curious to see what percentage of people on this list use Foundry boxes for purely layer 2 devices, and what issues turn up in this environment as well (for example inability to put access lists on the command interface...)

(6) Anybody running a multi-site metro ethernet ring on Foundry gear? How is it going?

Anybody else out there have a question?



             Don Westlight
             Network Engineering Manager
             OHSU Statewide IT Services
             ph: 503.418.1081 fx: 503.494.7143

   "Imagination is more important than knowledge.
     Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
                                -Albert Einstein

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