Re: [f-nsp] Will the dynamic Foundry user community please stand up ;-)

From: Niels Bakker (
Date: Mon Apr 01 2002 - 14:16:13 EST

* (Don Westlight) [Mon 01 Apr 2002, 20:46 CEST]:
> (1) Does anybody out there use Foundry boxes for core routers - eg,
> full internet routes? (eg. anybody from NANOG here?) If so, is this a
> plain vanilla install?

I'll be doing so in the near future; not full routes though, but with
lots of access-lists as things are looking now.

> (2) Does anybody out there do this with advanced services ¯ eg, IP
> multicast, QOS/MPLS, or anything else complicated and wacky?

Can they do MBGP yet? Last time I checked (~2 years ago) I couldn't
originate routes with multicast NLRI.

> (3) Does anybody out there have the sort of relationship with Foundry
> (some sort of non-disclosure) where the merits of any particular code
> implementation can be discussed rationally... ? Alternately, is this

No, am working via a reseller at the moment. Since we just ordered (or
will Real Soon Now(tm), we promise! Really we do!) I haven't had that
many opportunities yet to test their level of commitment.

> an issue for you? Is anyone else out there confused about which
> commands live in which code train (B2S, B2P, etc)

Yes. Shoot Foundry marketing, please, for introducing terms like "Layer
3 Switch" and the NetIron/BigIron/FastIron naming confusion (NetIron
1500 equals BigIron 15000, wtf?).

> (5) I'm curious to see what percentage of people on this list use
> Foundry boxes for purely layer 2 devices, and what issues turn up in
> this environment as well (for example inability to put access lists on
> the command interface...)

Lack of inbound filtering capacity, autonegotiation that's b0rken as
with all other devices...

> Anybody else out there have a question?

When will they support RFC2547bis? I think I have a network design that
might actually be workable with MPLS VPNs - the second one such in my
life. :)


        -- Niels.

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