Re: ServerIron & Sendmail

From: Clifton Royston (
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 18:19:59 EDT

On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 08:06:14AM -0400, Dale Hege wrote:
> Hello, we have 2 serverirons here in a HSRP role and are trying to get out
> mail system running through it. We have made it "work" but the performance
> hit is crazy. Our servers generaly run with a load of <1 but when the
> foundry it put in the path eventually they jump to 12,30,300 if we remove
> the foundry the loads drop back down. We are using sendmail 8.11.6.
> We are currently using dsr.
> Has anyone else seen something like this?

  Not here.

  We run all outbound mail plus various other services through a
Serveriron virtual server, even and using smail (a really crummy mailer
which we are soon to upgrade from) load on the real servers stays down
at 0.1 or thereabouts. That's with this configuration:

server real server-foo x.y.z.w
 port dns
 port radius-old
 port smtp
 port pop3
server virtual smtp x.y.z.q
 sym-priority 100
 port default disable
 port pop3
 port smtp
 bind pop3 server-foo pop3 server-bar pop3 server-baz pop3
 bind smtp server-foo smtp server-bar smtp server-baz smtp

  In this configuration, server-foo, server-bar, and server-baz all
must be "behind" or directly attached to the Serveriron.

  Try posting an excerpt of your configuration?

> Or have any ideas?

  First, try disabling DSR - go for the simpler configuration and get
that working.

  Second, try some different firmware versions - I have tried some that
just seem to break virtual servers altogether. I don't understand how
they could get it out past QC, but there have been some.

  Still, I suspect you've made some mistake in the virtual server
configuration. Did you enable the "default port" mapping? That can
really screw things up unless you understand how to use it, because it
can end up breaking outgoing connections.

  -- Clifton

    Clifton Royston  --  LavaNet Systems Architect --
"What do we need to make our world come alive?  
   What does it take to make us sing?
 While we're waiting for the next one to arrive..." - Sisters of Mercy

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