Re: Looking for multicast help.

From: David Williamson (
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 15:48:50 EDT

On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 11:42:46AM -0700, David Williamson wrote:
> Hey!
> Jared pointed out to me that this list exists after I posted elsewhere.
> (Duh.) Anyway...I'm having trouble making multicast work with a
> FastIron II. If someone has experience making multicast work, please
> contact me off list..I have a few questions.
> Many thanks!

So, I've had exactly zero response to this plea for help. Is multicast
particularly difficult with Foundry switches? I've got a customer with
a really simple configuration, and we're having trouble. It's a very
simple configuration...there's a FastIron II stuck in between a pair of
Solaris boxes. The FastIron is running 6.6.05T41. (Yeah, I know that's
a bit old...that might be the problem.) In any case, regardless of
the setting of multicast on the switch (I've tried 'ip multicast
active', 'ip multicast passive', and 'no ip multicast'), I never get
anything to flow across the switch. More to the point, if I ping from one of the Solaris boxes, and snoop on the other one,
the echo request never arrives. The first Solaris box sees answers from
itself and the switch, but no other machines on the network (most of
which are multicast capable.)

As you can imagine, I'd like this to work, and I don't see how it possibly
can, since using active or passive IGMP support doesn't do any good,
nor does turning IGMP off. Personally, I'd like to see a switch like
this flood multicast. It's the easiest way to deal with it.

Does anyone have any tips? Like a version of the software to run in order
for this to work? Ugh...



David Williamson                |       "Wine is light, held
Certainty Solutions, Inc.       |        together by water."   |                   -Galileo

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