At 04:24 PM 3/5/02 +0100, avri wrote:
>in ngarch-req:
>> There are two kinds of mobility; host mobility and
>> network mobility. Host mobility is when an individual
>> host moves from where it was to where it is. Network
>> mobility is when an entire network (or subnetwork)
>> moves.
>> The architecture MUST support network level
>> mobility.
>does the absence of statement about requiring host mobility
>indicate that this is not something the architecture should be required to
See my message with the Subject: Architectural Specification Language
that should be popping into your inbox about the same time that this
>i am also curious, you state that the two are definitely two
>different kinds of things. it seems to me that there may
>be architectural abstractions in which 'user' mobility is a special case of
'network' mobility. i think any future
>architecture needs to support both, and if it can do so through a common
method, all the better.
The language was crafted so that there is no statement, either positive
or negative, about _host_ mobility. If one proposes an architecture
that does host-mobility, great. If one proposes an architecture that
does not do host mobility, that's just as great. The reason is that
host mobility seems to be a solved problem (Mobile IP). We chose to
require that the architecture solve the unsolved problem (mobile
networks). If we were to say that both must be solved, then that
would necessarily limit the potential solution space to something
that does both; which may not be possible. The wording allows either
a combined one-solution-fits-all or a set of solutions.
Frank Kastenholz
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