Re: mobility

From: Kastenholz, Frank (
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 08:42:54 EDT

At 10:57 AM 4/11/02 -0700, Tony Li wrote:

> | To me, going into these issues is _way_ beyond what is
> | practical, given the deployed base. Basically, my opinion
> | is that any new architecture that changes hosts and DNS
> | and all that other "stuff" just won't fly. That is, we
> | (the routing research bunch) can not change DNS, can not
> | change the end hosts, etc.
>If we can't change the architecture, then what's the point in the
>discussion in the first place?

A long time ago someone told me a physics joke. It went
something like this

   A bunch of chicken farmers got together one day and
   started talking about how they could increase their egg
   production. They decided that they should go to the local
   university's biology department and ask a biologist what
   they could do. They biologist said "give me a big
   research grant and come back in 6 months. I'll see what I
   can do". Six months later the chicken farmers went to the
   biologist. The biologist said that he was stumped, he
   tried everything he could and nothing worked.

   The chicken farmers said, "well, maybe there is some
   chemical that would work, let's go to the chemistry
   department" so they did. They asked the chemist to help
   them raise their egg production. The chemist asked for a
   bigger research grant and told them to come back in a

   A year later they went to the chemist. The chemist said
   "sorry, I tried everything and nothing worked, but thanks
   for the nice research grant".

   The chicken farmers were getting kind of dejected now.
   Walking out of the building one of them saw the physics
   department. He said "Chickens are a part of the physical
   universe, and physicists know how the physical universe
   works, lets ask a physicist"... So they went to a
   physicist and described their problem. The physicist said
   "don't worry, I think I can solve your problem, but I'll
   need a research grant to buy more blackboards and chalk
   and erasers. Come back in 18 months" So the farmers
   handed over the money.

   Eighteen months later they went back to the physicist.
   They found blackboard after blackboard covered with
   incomprehensible formulae. They were very impressed. The
   went over the physicist and said "Mr Physicist, have you
   solved our problem?"

   The physicist replied "Yes, I have solved your problem.
   It's all here on the blackboards. I'll walk you through

   The farmers were, needless to say, quite excited.

   The physicist began "Step one - postulate a perfectly
   spherical chicken..."

Frank Kastenholz

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