Re: Juniper's Radius definition

From: Lukman W. Kusuma (
Date: Thu Aug 23 2001 - 09:01:46 EDT

Dear Dave,

I am sorry for confusing question.
Yep, I am looking for documentation explaining the entire attributes
available on Juniper.

Well, I guess you have helped me a lot me giving this URL, while I could
get the rest of the attributes from RFC 2138.



Dave Curado wrote:

>>Is there such a definition for Juniper's Radius?
>>I have never seen one, perhaps I could get more information if anyone
>>come across this before.
>Hrm.. do you mean definitions of radius attributes or ?
>There are a few attributes defined, I've tested them with
>the Cistron FreeRadius server.
>You can find the attribute definitions at:
>but I'm not sure if that is what you were asking about.

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