Re: Juniper.dct ?

From: Lukman W. Kusuma (
Date: Sun Aug 26 2001 - 21:04:51 EDT

Dear Dave,

>>My questions are :
>> 1. Could Juniper get this "class" (and surely other Juniper's VSA(s))
>> from the radius server?
>I don't know. My guess is the answer is "not currently".
>I'm inferring this from the lack of any documentation that says
>that capability exists, and the ability you have to set up
>(as you pointed out) multiple shared accounts, as well as
>individual accounts, that can be authenticated via radius.
>Given the group of people you want to authenticate via
>radius, do they not fit into one general category of access
>or another, with a few exceptions that would be individual
>accounts? (obviously an individual account for "davec", as I am
>not part of the group "All" =-)
>I'm curious. Thanks.
Well, I am just a new comer here, and you are one of the first replying
my first email ;-)
Specifically to this radius question, I really hope you can help me.

>> 2. Does anybody have sort of juniper.dct which I can put into our
>> radius server?
>Yes, I've got a dictionary file. Send it to you in a bit.
I am still waiting for your juniper.dct. It is not in my mailbox yet now ;-)

Thanks for your help.


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