Re: [j-nsp] Cisco equivilant to an M5?

From: Niels Bakker (
Date: Thu Dec 06 2001 - 16:10:47 EST

Hi Chris,

* (Chris Watson) [Thu 06 Dec 2001, 21:52 CET]:
> My fault for leaving out the specs of the M5 in question. It's just a
> base M5 with the 4 port T1 PIC and the 4 port FE PIC. And dual PS's.
> Other then that its just a base M5.

According to the
10000 Series compete directly with the Juniper M5, Unisphere ERX 700
and 1400, and the Redback SMS10000. Since I have yet to hear from a
satisfied customer of one of these boxen (ESR10000), I stand with my
7200 (of course of the VXR variety) recommendation. List price should
be somewhere around US$50K, but my memory here is *majorly* rusty -
it's been a while (almost two years - gosh!) since I last had to order
one of those things...


        -- Niels.

"Any sufficiently advanced rocket science is indistinguishable
 from a puff of smoke in the sky."

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