[j-nsp] Ciruit Emulation, CBR services and CCC

From: Jean-Luc Scherer (EUS) (Jean-Luc.Scherer@am1.ericsson.se)
Date: Mon Dec 10 2001 - 16:36:24 EST

Hi everybody,

I have a little question with respect to the usage of CCC and services like Circuit Emulation or CBR circuits. I really hope that the Juniper experts can help me on that. Basically I would like to understand how QoS is applied to the CCC provisioned circuits, and how can QoS be guaranteed.

First of all, I see CCC as a way of patching two circuits endpoints together and I understand how that will work for best effort type of services. I have though difficulties to understand how this mechanism can be used to cross-connect endpoints with stringent QoS requirements like Circuit emulation or CBR. Could somebody enlighten me on that? Is it feasible and are there any pitfalls with that type of solution?

Thank you in advance.


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