RE: ssh on JunOs 4.2 / XCompiler

From: Greg Ketell (
Date: Thu Feb 01 2001 - 16:25:28 EST

At 07:07 PM 2/1/2001 -0200, Rubens Kuhl Jr. wrote:
> > >- I enabled telnet, ssh and ftp but only telnet and
> > > ftp works, ssh doesnt. Is there a problem with JunOs 4.2
> > > and ssh? Any tips?
> >
> > SSH is only on the export-controlled version of Junos. Based on
> > your email
> > address I would bet you have the WorldWide version that does not have ssh
> > (it *is* a munition, after all (yeah right)).
>This is one thing international customers would like to get... today, it's
>possible to get SSH/3DES versions from "that other vendor" because they
>pursued the appropriate licences from US authorities.
>As Juniper expands into non-US markets, attention to such details is

Agreed and in process. Unfortunately "that other company" has several 10's
of thousands more people they can apply to the problem so it will take us
just a bit longer. (;->)


>Rubens Kuhl Jr.

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