[j-nsp] How to configure Cflowd in juniper router..

From: Jack Seo (jackseo@ibrglobal.com)
Date: Thu Feb 01 2001 - 21:45:17 EST

Hi. Juniper lovers ;)

I'm testing Cflowd of JunOS 4.1 with my SUN server.
It work very well with Cisco router..but with juniper router.. not well..
maybe I forgot something important can make it happen. but I'm not sure.

I made one fiirewall filter getcfolwd like following

firewall fiter getcflowd
                  term 1
                         then sample

and put this filter into the interface I wanted below unit 0 family inet

and in forwarding options, I confgiured input family inet , output cflowd ( engine-id , version 5 , local-dump ( to debug) , port 2055 and server running cfolwd ip adderess )

I think this is almost perfect for cflowd running ~ but it doesn't work...

Please help..

show me a good example for me.



Jack Seo - Technical Support Engineer

IBR Inc. NPIX DataCenter -AS9777
Office : 82-2-2140-2720
C.P : 82-017-726-1417

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