Re: [j-nsp] voting for enhancements ? was -- RE: Ping VRRP virtual IP address

From: Greg Ketell (
Date: Wed Apr 04 2001 - 12:01:40 EDT

You have that ability now. You submit your requests, they submit their
requests: Product Management rolls all similar requests into a single
enhancement request. When the value to the customers of that request
out-weighs the value of their other requests that feature gets done.


At 12:59 AM 4/4/2001 -0500, Brown, Mike wrote:

>Ask your sales team for the ability to vote for product enhancements that
>other customers have submitted. This might help the priority of some of
>the lower incremental revenue feature requests.
>Mike Brown
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Avi Freedman
>Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 11:51 PM
>Subject: Re: Ping VRRP virtual IP address
>Ideally, yes.
>Juniper says it would be against RFC.
>Some of us disagree; to help the cause, if other people who spend $ with
>Juniper could ask their Juniper reps for that "feature" to be implemented,
>it'd be appreciated...
> >
> > Can I ping the virtual IP address of a juniper running VRRP?
> >

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