On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> Juniper's pig-headedness about it's 'ping' implementation has been a
> pain from the start. Arguing with them gets you nowhere as they say
> that they are doing it correctly while Cisco is broken.
> I will not choose to argue with either, but I will say that the Cisco
> behavior is functional as it allows you to test from a router to a
> remote loopback. On a Juniper you never leave the box when you ping an
> interface. This is of ZERO value to me.
> So, while Juniper's ping may be "correct" in this, it is of no
> use. While Cisco's may be wrong, it is very valuable in
> troubleshooting. Regardless of compliance with the RFCs, I think
> Juniper is broken.
If it complies with the RFC (or can make a case), then its not broken,
rather the RFC needs fixing. Time to bring it up in the IETF and see if
this can be fixed there. Then every one goes away happy.
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