New name for this list???

Dave Kelley aa7tq at PRIMENET.COM
Sat Apr 5 04:39:49 EST 1997

Hi Gang,

I recently checked out the News Group for BAers and found a pleasant amount of chatter about this new BA list.  Everyone made lottsa' points, some sharp and some dull.  I think the only "bitch" that I can say is even a little justified is the name I picked for this group.  I guess I was used to the way the Internet runs with unique names like BA at abc being different than BA at xyz.

Well, I'm asking those of you who have signed up here (and waiting for a band opening because you're being real quiet) to tell me what name I should change the list to....or if I should change it at all.  I'm thinking BAList would be a nice short one to use....but any ideas.  This is your list, and I'm just another member.

For those who don't monitor the BA News Group, here is my posting.  It may clear the air about some questions on who and why.  Oh, and the sooner the political stuff goes away and we can talk about 6146s and 807s the better.


Since some are interested in "why" there is another list for the BAs it's
simple.  I believe (and I'm allowed that pleasure) that on the Internet the
mail lists should be free.  If it cost to much to run it for free, find
another way to run it or simply don't.  I'd hate to see a trend
started...although I'm sure it will happen.  Now, do I think you need to
"believe" I'm right?  Nope....but I expect the flames anyhow.

Is it run by the City with the strange looking City Hall...that same City
that brought you the Super Bowl 1996 and brings you the Fiesta Bowl each
year?  Yep.  Do you think that football stuff cost any tax money? 
Hmmmm...I think SB XXX cost us about $200,000.

The reason the "Radio" groups are on our server (we also host the Collins
and Heath lists) is mainly for testing.  We bought a list server software
package for $2,000 that we needed to learn how to manage - and test.  You
can't test a package without running some live data though it...hence the
"ham" lists.  It worked...we found some bugs (just ask the Collins guys),
and at this point we think we have them all crushed.  We are already
starting to populate the server with some "city" lists now and we feel good
about its operation.

Tempe is a big supporter of ham radio - giving us meeting rooms for our
club, places for VE testing, and recently a classroom for ham classes.  We
are installing a station in the adult center and they donated a 2 meter
repeater that we maintain on one of the City sites.  Don't you wish YOUR
City was as "ham friendly"?  Enough about the host for the list server.  As
far as tax money...I see any tax money that "we actually get to make use
of" as a good thing!!  And who wouldn't?

You'll notice that I have not been pushing the subscription to the Tempe BA
list...heck, I work for a City, and as a civil servant I'm sworn to not
care if you live or die.   Just kidding....but my attitude is...if enough
people want it it will fly...if not, it won't.  Time will tell.  Meanwhile
it's an option...not a stab at the other list (that I'm a member of by the
way - and enjoy)...not an ego boost...but maybe it is the thing that I can
offer to my fellow hams.

Let's get back to talking about radios that warm the shack and the heart!


ex-WA7GPF  ex-AA7TQ

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