GlowBug list

Brian Carling (Radio G3XLQ / AF4K) bry at MNSINC.COM
Sun Apr 6 17:52:48 EDT 1997

On  5 Apr 97 at 17:15, Jeffrey Herman spoke about GlowBug list and
> P.S. I hope this list's name won't change, but if it must, my first
> choice would be "Boatanchors(free)", second would be "BA", third
> would be "Firebottles."

Jeff I really like (1) and (3)

but "BA" is sort of meaningless unless someone is already SERIOUSLY
clued in!

FIREBOTTLES is probably the most appealing and least offensive that I
have heard suggested so far.

What do you think Dave?
*** 73 from Radio AF4K / G3XLQ in Gaithersburg, MD USA *
**  E-mail to:  bry at                         *
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