Sweep, Power, etc. tubes for sale

Richard L. Ferranti remler at JUNO.COM
Mon Apr 14 21:45:57 EDT 1997

BA fans:

Been cleaning out the cellar and have the following to offer.  All prices
include postage in the continental USA:

Qty  Description
                     Postpaid Price
3    RCA 6JB6A's  New in Boxes (NIB)   -- great for Drake rigs, $23 for
all three
3    Sylvania  6JB6's  NIB   --- probably fine for Drakes too, $18 for
all three
8    RCA 6293's  NIB  These are identical to the 6146 but have pulse
ratings; $33 for 8
1    2C39WA/C  NIB, $26
3    807's  NIB, $13 for all three
3    6E5's  green eyeball tubes (new, checked, not boxed), $18 for all
1    RCA 808 (may be used, not boxed), $12
1    Collins 837 (probably used, not boxed), $8
1    4-65A, used, in box, $8
1    Ohmite D-250 130-ohm 250-watt dummy load, NIB, big impressive load
       in glass tube-like  211-sized envelope, even the box is
impressive, $18

Preference given for someone who wants all these evacuated goodies
shipped postpaid for $115.


Rick  WA6NCX
remler at juno.com

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