Belton Hamfest

Gary Harmon gharmon at TXDIRECT.NET
Sat Apr 19 18:28:58 EDT 1997

What a great time!!!  Not enought room inside the covered center for all
that wanted to park so we who didn't get their on Friday night found
ourselves in the parking lot.  Scattered showers all morning but it cleared
up around 1200.  Has good visits with several BA and ER members.  LOTS of
BA stuff at this one.  Loads of Heathkit stuff.  Mike/K2UXE? out of Austin
had an almost mint HX-10 for $300 (didn't  sell).  I tried to swap him my
extra TX-1/HX-10 and Yaesu transceivers plus $$ but he wouldn't budge.

I didn't take time to price much......too busy looking and trying to sell
my stuff.  For the record, I didn't sell or TRADE my extra TX-1, HX-10 and
two older YAESU transceivers.  (Stay tuned for further postings).  I did
sell my SX-28, S-36A, a YO-100 and several small items and brought home a
marvelously clean SX-28A from Bighorn via Arkansas (no chicken feathers
either).  :--)  My acquisitions included:

SX-28A (Bighorn)
SB-102 with HP-23A
SB-110 with HP-23A (Bighorn)
HW-2102 (Bighorn)
HP-20 PS (Bighorn)
SB-104/station console/ps
DX-100 (Bighorn)
A one foot pile of original Heathkit ham radio manuals for $25

A special thanks to Arkansas Don/KC5JH for dragging the
SX-28A/SB-110/DX-100 from Bighorn to Arkansas to Belton.  That's what ham
radio is all about!

Perhaps others who attended will provide more details.  I'm outta here to
go fondle the SX-28A.


Gary H. Harmon, Jr., K5JWK
6302 Robin Forest
San Antonio, TX 78239-3218
(210) 657-1549
gharmon at

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