[DRAKE] Drake Sale/Swap List

Brian K. Short shortckt at PRIMENET.COM
Thu Aug 21 11:08:44 EDT 1997

Drake is a mailing list (reflector) devoted to buyers,
sellers, and collectors of equipment manufactured by
the R.L. Drake Company of Miamisburg, OH.

 * Buy, Sell, Swap
 * Classic Drake Radios
 * Assistance
 * Resources

To join Drake, send email as follows:
TO:       majordomo at qth.net
BODY:     subscribe drake

Post to Drake as follows:
TO:       drake at qth.net

Drake is sponsored by Al Waller K3TKJ and routine administrivia
is handled by me (k7on at qsl.net). Enjoy.

73, Brian k7on at qsl.net

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