military radio e-mail reflector

William L. Fuqua III wlfuqu00 at POP.UKY.EDU
Fri Aug 29 15:54:10 EDT 1997

   Is there a military radio e-mail reflector?
I just got a (sorry) solid state backpack radio
and was looking for info on modifications.
It is a very impressive piece of equipment to
have been made in 1968.

   I just wish it had at least a lamp with a glowing
filament. HI HI HI.

  Bill wa4lav

  William L. Fuqua III  P.E.  E-mail WLFUQU00 at POP.UKY.EDU  Phone (606) 257-4155
  Department of Physics and Astronomy      CP-177 Chem. Phys. Bldg.
  University of Kentucky ,                 Lexington, Ky 40506-0055

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