11 Tube regen?
Gary Pewitt
gpewitt at EXECPC.COM
Sun Dec 7 14:23:15 EST 1997
I saw an add for a very interesting radio in the November
1939 QST on page 97. It's an Edwin I. Guthman & Co.
11 tube communication receiver. It's called the U-50 Super. No, not
superhet. It sold wired with tubes for $69.98. Kit price less tubes,
cabinet, and speaker was $49.95. 6 bands, 525 to 62,000 kc. RF stage (3
gang condenser). 12 watts output! Improved noise silencer.
"Complete with New Gun-Sight Tuning Pre-Selection Stage this new receiver
provides quiet DX thru controlled re-generation, and a socket provision for
adding 100 kc. oscillator giving built in frequency check."
What gets me is trying to figure out how they used 11 tubes in a regen.
Lets see a tuned rf stage, a detector, a couple of af amp stages followed
by a push pull audio out (12 watts), and a couple of rectifier tubes for
full wave rectification. The noise silencer and s meter could have
accounted for two more. That's 10. And a full wave rectifier really only
needs one tube. So I see 9 tubes. There is no magic eye tube, it had an
I have been wanting a really good regen receiver. Not a one, two, or three
tuber. Not that there is anything wrong with them, I just want a really
nice one like the Navy rigs. I'd love to build this one if I could find
a schematic, parts list, manual, or (dream on Gary) an unbuilt kit.
An old one I could refurbish would be fine.
Anyone got such a rare beast in their garage/attic/basement? Any documents,
paper, leads to information?
73 to all Gary
Name: Gary Pewitt N9ZSV/KT
6120 W. Calumet Rd. Apt 204
Milwaukee, WI 53223
414 355 8147 Home 414 297 4307 Work
E-mail: gpewitt at execpc.com
Date: 12/07/97
Time: 11:23:15
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