11 Tube regen?

Mike Silva KK6GM mjsilva at IX.NETCOM.COM
Sun Dec 7 13:17:26 EST 1997

On 12/07/97 11:23:15 you wrote:
>I saw an add for a very interesting radio in the November
>1939 QST on page 97.  It's an Edwin I. Guthman & Co.
>11 tube communication receiver.  It's called the U-50 Super.  No, not
>superhet.  It sold wired with tubes for $69.98.  Kit price less tubes,
>cabinet, and speaker was $49.95.  6 bands, 525 to 62,000 kc. RF stage (3
>gang condenser).  12 watts output!  Improved noise silencer.
>"Complete with New Gun-Sight Tuning Pre-Selection Stage this new receiver
>provides quiet DX thru controlled re-generation, and a socket provision for
>adding 100 kc. oscillator giving built in frequency check."
>What gets me is trying to figure out how they used 11 tubes in a regen.
>Lets see a tuned rf stage, a detector, a couple of af amp stages followed
>by a push pull audio out (12 watts), and a couple of rectifier tubes for
>full wave rectification.  The noise silencer and s meter could have
>accounted for two more.  That's 10.  And a full wave rectifier really only
>needs one tube.  So I see 9 tubes.  There is no magic eye tube, it had an

I suspect that this is a superhet (they even use "Super" in the name) that
has a regenerative RF or IF stage.  That was very common in the early
superhet days, and in fact was seen throughout the tube receiver era.

One guess at a tube lineup:  RF amp, mixer, separate LO, IF amp, detector/AF
amp, BFO, P-P AF output (6V6s?), PS rectifier, noise silencer and s-meter

Mike, KK6GM

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