11 Tube regen?

Gary Pewitt gpewitt at EXECPC.COM
Sun Dec 7 19:29:53 EST 1997

I never even looked in Moore's book.  I didn't think it would be there.
Duhhh.  Even though it's a superhet it still looks interesting.
Designed by McMurdo Silver eh?  Of course I'll never find one.
I'm still looking for a -really- good regen design to build.
Thanks a bunch Ken.  73  Gary

On Mon, 08 Dec 1997 03:55:34 -0500  Ken Beach wrote:
>Hi Gary,
>       As I read your posting I took an interest because it sounded like a
>possible regenerative IF stage receiver.  I remembered hearing about
>them some time back.  A quick check of "Communications Receivers The
>Vacuum Tube Era 1932-1981", Raymond Moore, RSM Communications, Key
>Largo, Fl. reveals that to be the case.  Moore says under filter
>regenerative IF.  Reminds me of the Heathkit Q multiplier.  It lists 11
>tubes as you said:7A7,6J5,6SF5,6K8,VR105,6B8,2 6SK7,2 7C5, 80.  Moore
>says it has 12 Watts of audio, so I figure the two 7C5's are the audio
>output. The 80 would have been the rectifier, and the 6SK7's probably
>the IF's.  IF frequency was 455kHz.  This stuff is on page 29 along with
>a photograph of the U-50K/W (I'll bet that was kit/wired).
>Hope I was of some help.
>Ken Beach



Name: Gary Pewitt N9ZSV/KT
      6120 W. Calumet Rd. Apt 204
      Milwaukee, WI  53223
      414 355 8147 Home 414 297 4307 Work
E-mail: gpewitt at execpc.com
Date: 12/07/97
Time: 16:29:53


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