Heath SB-610 IF Can/Knobs

Jay H. Miller jmiller at TELETEAM.NET
Tue Dec 16 19:40:05 EST 1997

I need to locate three 455kc IF cans for the SB-610 monitor scope. The
Heath part number is:

I have about 30 control knobs for this scope to exchange with someone who
can help provide the transformers!

P.S. If someone would please cross-post this to the Heath Reflector I'd
appreciate it.


      *********** ################### ***********
     Jay H. Miller, KK5IM            Dallas, Texas
  The Pocket Guide to Collins Amateur Radio Equipment
     AMI#846      Collins Collectors Association
            E-Mail: jmiller at teleteam.net
Visit My Home Page: http://www.teleteam.com/~jmiller/
  ***** Proud to be 100% Macintosh since 1984! *****

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