bunch-O-junque fs

Tom Daley tom.daley at TEABBS.COM
Sat Dec 27 21:04:38 EST 1997

This message was originally addressed to BASWAPLIST at FOOTHILL.NET
and a carbon copy was sent to you.

hello all i gotta bunch-O-junque thats gotta go !

1. hello halli fans i have the following hallicrafters citizens band
   transceivers for sale or trade. not true ba rigs - sorry

    a. halli cb-20 (pair) mobile transceiver. 5 channels solid state
    with original mics. 1st unit in fair to good shape and 2nd
    unit is missing face plate from front panel but otherwise ok.
    both are untested $25
    b. halli hcm-250 23 channel mobile transceiver. with anl, s-meter,
    and rit. in fair to good shape. with original mic. this unit
    made in japan and imported by halli ! works ! $20

    *** ALL 3 ABOVE $35 ***

 2. two NOS mallory cg251t350c1 capacitor 250 mf at 350 wvdc $6 both

 3. the following 10 meter amps sold to licensed hams only

    a. cardinal radio cr150 tube "cb linear" in good condx. uses pair of
    12jb6 tubes. black crackle case w/nice meter. 12vdc ! untested $75
    b. lafayette ha250 "ham" linear amp. 21 to 54 mhz coverage. good
    front panel is scuffed up. w/meter. uses pair 12jb6 tubes. 12vdc
    w/schematic & power plug ! freq coverage via tap change untested $75

 4. i have for sale the following tube tester socket adapters
    for military tv7 and perhaps others (converts to octal plug)

    a. brown bakelite 7 pin with twin test leads
    that go the plate caps. for 829/5894/ax-9903 $15
    b. brown bakelite for 2c39 and others $10

 5. hp o scope has to go !

    hewlett-packard 130c 500khz band width and .2 mv/cm
    sensitivity for X-Y amplifiers useful in phase measurements
    large easy-to-view 5 inch crt. 0.2 mv to 20 v/cm in
    16 calibrated steps. vernier to 50 v/cm. sweep 1 usec to
    5 sec/cm in 21 steps. vernier to 12.5 sec/cm. also has
    350hz squarewave calibrator, x2/x50 magnifier, auto trigger,
    and beam finder. no manual. in good condition under grime !
    tube/hybrid design. 110 vac power. size is 7.3x16.8x18.5.
    weight is 40 lbs shipped. works ! as seen in fair radio
    catalogs !! "fair checked" price $155 ! my price $35 !!

 all above is plus ups from 95822 sacramento

 dont be shy with offers ! trade for gonset hf receivers

 thanks 73 tom


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