Heathkit Service Bulletins

Chris Trask ctrask at PRIMENET.COM
Thu Jul 10 09:28:45 EDT 1997

On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, Brian Carling wrote:

> This is ridiculous!
> It is NOT a waste of time! If you want to see what a few very vocal
> idiots did to me a couple of years ago to "REWARD" me for my efforts
> at public service on qrp-l, see:
        I believe that this would go under the heading of "No Good Deed
Should Go Unpunished."  Might be that the behaviour I observed as an
engineer may be more widespread than I feared.



    / If you understand it,  \      Circuit Design for the
   /   then it's obsolete!   /            RF Impaired
   \  _______,--------------'
  _ |/
 oo\                                 Chris Trask / N7ZWY
(__)\       _                        Principal Engineer
  \  \    .'  `.                     ATG Design Services
   \  \  /      \                    P.O. Box 25240
    \  '"        \                   Tempe, Arizona 85285-5240
     .       (  ) \
      '-| )__| :.  \
        | |  | | \  '.
       c__; c__;  '-..'>.__          Email:  ctrask at primenet.com

                    Graphics by Loek Frederiks

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